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Interview with Diletta Alese of Arci Solidarietà, head of the Words of Europe project

We discuss "Words of Europe" with Diletta Alese of Arci Solidarietà, the Roman organization spearheading the project, which involves a comprehensive network of European partners on a journey leading up to the 2024 European elections.

18 January 2023

The Words of Europe project, which involves a dense network of European partners with the aim of bringing new generations, especially those who will vote for the renewal of the European Parliament in 2024, closer to the EU and countering false myths related to Europe, is about to start. We talk about this with Diletta Alese of Arci Solidarietà, the project's lead agency.

Let's start with your association. Who is Arci Solidarietà?

Arci Solidarietà was founded in '95. It is an Arci club that develops its activities in the area of social inclusion. It starts in Rome in the area of schooling for Roma communities and expands to the European level where vulnerabilities and social fragilities are most evident. The goal is to turn difficulties into opportunities to rebuild a better social context.

What is Words of Europe?

The project stems from the desire to strengthen participation in EU discussions and to recreate a sense of belonging by following dreams and ideas of citizens and citizens, bringing together social, political but also artistic and cultural realities to restore new ways of participation and reconnect distant worlds and spaces of participation and claim. We want the voices of those who are going to vote for the first time or those who are usually excluded from political debate to find spaces for inclusion. The goal of WE is also to reconnect ideas and willingness to participate in view of the electoral appointment seen as a founding element and to give us a direction again. There are events planned across Europe for insight, analysis but also sharing and claiming.

What are the upcoming events?

On January 25 we are inviting everyone to the next event on Rome at the Arci Solidarietà headquarters, where we are organizing an informal participation event to bring out our "words of Europe." Young men and women have shown that there is a new and possible society globally. They have demonstrated this on the issue of climate change so the call is for them to be heard.
