6 May 2024

Sajtó, álhírek és propaganda Magyarországon egy külföldi szemével / Press, fake news and propaganda with the eyes of a foreigner

Our WP5 Honnan tudom, hogy álhír? / How do I know it's fake news? online workshop was realised with the participation of young adults, participants of the ART FOR TAKEAWAY ('ART-RAVALÓ') socio-art project. The participants of the project are young adults aged 18-24 years, who have been brought up in state care or come from disadvantaged backgrounds and are looking for a way forward. We find that they are especially at risk when it comes to the spread of fake news. During the workshop, we had a conversation about who follows news on what outlets and whether we can know for sure that all news sources are trustworthy, how can we know if they are and the dangers of fake news. We also played the online test 'Be a fake news hunter!' made by atlatszo.hu ('transparent'), the first Hungarian investigative journalism nonprofit and a watchdog NGO to promote transparency, accountability, and freedom of information in Hungary. Benedict N. Amonoo (Ben) was born in Ghana, but has been living in Hungary for some years now. Ben understands Hungarian and inspired by our experiences of the workshop, we asked him about fake news and propaganda in Hungary through the eyes of a person who was not born in Hungary but lives here, follows Hungarian public life and politics and who may also be personally attacked by the above because of his non-Hungarian background.