From November 2023 to January 2024, six online events were organized to address False Myths about the EU, engaging participants in interactive workshops that utilized digital tools such as Padlet, Mentimeter, quizzes, and videos. These workshops were based on a questionnaire shared on the project website, where participants had previously submitted common myths about the European Union.


Participants explored the historical background of the EU and examined fake news as a tool of power. Real-world examples, including the impact of fake news on Brexit and the U.S. presidential election, were discussed, alongside the challenges posed by AI-generated images and videos. Participants were encouraged to critically evaluate the "facts" they encounter in the media.


The event featured group work in breakout rooms, where participants collaboratively deconstructed prevalent myths about the EU.


These events laid the groundwork for the creation of the Vocabulary of False Myths, which catalogs common fake news and provides strategies for deconstructing and countering them.

To learn more about the events we organized, take a look at the Event Description Sheet of WP5
download the WP5 Event Description Sheet
Vocabulary of False Myths